Setting Up CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins, Docker, and GitHub on AWS EC2

Setting Up CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins, Docker, and GitHub on AWS EC2

A step-by-step guide to automate your application deployment using Jenkins, Docker, and GitHub webhooks.

Initial Setup: AWS EC2 Instance

[Figure 1: AWS EC2 Instance Dashboard]

Start by launching a t2.medium EC2 instance on AWS. Configure your security groups to allow:

  • SSH (Port 22)

  • Jenkins (Port 8080)

  • Application (Port 5000)

Step 1: Installing Required Tools

Connect to your EC2 instance and install docker, docker-compose, Jenkins :

git clone
cd Scripts
chmod 777 *.sh
./ docker jenkins

Here i am using my scripts that i have created for fast installation of common used Devops tools.

[Figure 2: Terminal showing successful installations]

[Figure 3: Jenkins unlock screen]

Verifying the Docker and Jenkins installation.

Step 2: Jenkins Setup

Access Jenkins using your EC2 IP: http://<your-ec2-ip>:8080

Get your admin password:

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Select 'Install suggested plugins' for the best experience.

[Figure 4: Jenkins customization screen]

Wait for it to install.

Configure the user.

Step 3: Pipeline Creation

Create a new pipeline:

  1. Click "New Item"

  2. Name: "Task-Manager-app"

  3. Choose "Pipeline"

Step 4: GitHub Integration

Configure your GitHub repository with Jenkins:

  1. Add repo URL:

  2. Set branch specification

  3. Add Jenkinsfile path

Step 5: Webhook Configuration

  1. Go to the GitHub repository

[Figure 7: GitHub webhook setup]

  1. Select the setting from the above

3.Select the Webhooks tab from the left tabs and select add webhook

  1. Add webhook in GitHub:

     Payload URL: http://<your-ec2-ip>:8080/github-webhook/
     Content type: application/json
     Events: Just the push event

  1. After adding the webhook it will show that hook was successfully created and it has never been triggered.

Step 6: Pipeline Execution

If any changes are pushed to the GitHub repository then the pipeline execution is started. In my case I added/modified the Jenkinsfile and committed the changes.

All stages should show green checkmarks indicating successful execution.

Watch your pipeline execute through different stages:

  • Checkout

  • Build and Deploy

  • Health Check

  • Post Actions

Step 7: Application Verification

Access your deployed application: http://<your-ec2-ip>:5000

[Figure 10: Task Manager application]

Your Task Manager application is now live and will automatically update whenever you push changes to GitHub.

Common Issues & Solutions in Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline

When troubleshooting your pipeline, here are the key areas to check and their solutions:

1. Jenkins Logs

sudo tail -f /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log

Look for error messages related to:

  • Build failures

  • Plugin issues

  • Permission problems

2. Docker Container Status

# Check running containers
docker ps

# Check all containers including stopped ones
docker ps -a

# View container logs
docker logs <container_id>

3. Webhook Connectivity

  • Check GitHub repository settings → Webhooks

  • Verify recent deliveries

  • Look for green checkmarks indicating successful connections

  • Test webhook manually using the "Test" button

4. Security Group Settings

Ensure these ports are open:

  • 22 (SSH)

  • 8080 (Jenkins)

  • 5000 (Application)

  • Any other ports your application needs

5. Docker Permissions

Critical step: Reboot after group changes!

# Add jenkins user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins

# Add your user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

# Reboot instance
sudo reboot

Without rebooting, you might encounter:

  • "Permission denied" errors

  • Docker socket access issues

  • Jenkins unable to execute docker commands

Quick Verification

After reboot, verify permissions:

# Check group membership
groups jenkins
groups $USER

# Test docker access
docker ps

These steps should resolve most common pipeline issues. If problems persist, check your Jenkinsfile configuration and Docker compose files.

That's it! You now have a fully automated CI/CD pipeline. Happy coding!