Initial Setup in AWS Console
Step 1: Create EC2 Instances
Launch one EC2 instance as Ansible Server
Scale it to launch 4 instances of t2.micro
Rename 3 instances to Worker 1, Worker 2, and Worker 3
Ensure all instances are in the same security group with appropriate SSH access
Step 2: Instance Initialization
Wait for all instances to show "Running" status
Verify that all status checks have passed
Step 3: Connect to Ansible Server
Connect to the Ansible server instance using SSH
Verify connection is successful
Ansible Installation and Configuration
Step 4: Install Ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
Step 5: Verify Ansible Installation
ansible --version
You should see output showing the Ansible version and configuration paths.
Step 6: Configure Hosts File
Edit the hosts file:
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
Add the following configuration:
server1 ansible_host=<Worker1-Private-IP>
server2 ansible_host=<Worker2-Private-IP>
server3 ansible_host=<Worker3-Private-IP>
Step 7: SSH Key Setup
- Copy existing key from local machine:
scp -i your-key.pem your-key.pem ubuntu@ansible-server:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
- or direct copy the key form the local Machine
Set proper permissions:
chmod 400 /home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
Testing and Verification
Step 8: Test Connection
Test connection to all workers:
ansible all -m ping
Step 9: Python Interpreter Warning
You'll notice a warning about Python interpreter in the output.
Step 10: Update Hosts File
Update the [all:vars] section in your hosts file:
Step 11: Verify Updated Configuration
Run ping test again:
ansible all -m ping
The output should now be clean without warnings.
Using Ad-hoc Commands
Step 12: Check System Uptime
ansible all -m command -a "uptime"
This will show how long each server has been running.
Step 13: Install Nginx
ansible all -m apt -a "name=nginx state=present" --become
This command installs Nginx on all worker nodes.
Step 14: Verify Nginx Installation
Check Nginx status:
ansible all -m service -a "name=nginx state=started" --become
Verify Nginx is running:
ansible all -m command -a "systemctl status nginx" --become
Troubleshooting Tips
SSH Connection Issues:
Verify security group settings
Check key permissions (should be 400)
Ensure private IPs are correct
Python Interpreter Issues:
Verify Python is installed on all workers
Check the Python path is correct
Permission Issues:
Ensure the ubuntu user has sudo privileges
Verify key permissions are set correctly
flag when required
Nginx Installation Issues:
Check network connectivity
Verify apt cache is updated
Check available disk space